



数论天使创建于2014-08-10 最后编辑: 2014-08-28 17:19 5,044阅读 1人收藏
共 7 个文档
201403.0945v1 Higher order Fourier analysis of multiplicative functions and applications 77p
pdf 201403.0945v1 Higher order Fourier analysis of multiplica..
We prove a structure theorem for multiplicative functions which states that an arbitrary bounded multiplicative function can be decomposed into two terms, one..
200810.4062v2 A measure-theoretic approach to the theory of dense hypergraphs 49p
pdf 200810.4062v2 A measure-theoretic approach to the theory o..
In this paper we develop a measure-theoretic method to treat problems in hypergraph theory. Our central theorem is a correspondence principle between thr..
200911.1157v1 Higher order Fourier analysis as an algebraic theory II 33p
pdf 200911.1157v1 Higher order Fourier analysis as an algebra..
Our approach to higher order Fourier analysis is to study the ultra product of finite (or compact) Abelian groups on which a new algebraic theory app..
200903.0897v1 Higher order Fourier analysis as an algebraic theory I 22p
pdf 200903.0897v1 Higher order Fourier analysis as an algebra..
Ergodic theory, Higher order Fourier analysis and the hyper graph regularity method are three possible approaches to Szemer\´edi type theorems in ..
201203.2260v1 On higher order Fourier analysis [关于高阶傅里叶分析] 64p
pdf 201203.2260v1 On higher order Fourier analysis [关于高阶傅..
We develop a theory of higher order structures in compact abelian groups. In the frame of this theory we prove general inverse theorems and regularity le..
高阶傅立叶分析 233p
pdf 高阶傅立叶分析
201001.4282v1 Higher order Fourier analysis as an algebraic theory III 40p
pdf 201001.4282v1 Higher order Fourier analysis as an algebra..
For every natural number k we introduce the notion of k-th order convolution of functions on abelian groups. We study the group of convolution preserving..
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